John Ratey M.D., an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School confirms that exercise should be a priority for ADHD patients. “For a very small handful of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it may actually be a replacement for stimulants. For most, it’s complementary — something they should absolutely do, along with taking meds, to help increase […]
Cold Hard Facts About ADHD in the United States
The American Psychiatric Association recently stated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) an astounding finding regarding ADHD. Its newly gathered data showed that 3%-7% of school-aged children have ADHD. Furthermore, several other studies simultaneously estimated even higher rates in community samples. When parents were surveyed to better estimate the incidence of this disorder, the results were […]
What is ADHD? An Overview – Part 2
ADHD Treatment Successfully treating ADHD takes focus and guidance on the part of the parents. A strong partnership between the health care provider, parents or caregivers, and the child is essential. For therapy to succeed, it is very important to set specific, appropriate goals to be followed by everyone involved. A combination approach that includes medication and behavior therapy has […]
Understanding Childhood ADHD – Symptoms, Behaviors & Causes
The acronym ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder (ADD). It has become quite a common condition among children as well as a source of concern and controversy among parents. Children with diagnosed ADHD generally have problems paying attention or concentrating. They can’t seem to follow directions with ease and are easily […]
What is ADHD? An Overview – Part 1
ADHD sometimes known as childhood hyperkinesis is a condition with symptoms of inattentiveness, over activity and impulsivity. For this host of problems to be diagnosed as ADHD, they must be out of the normal range for a child’s age and development. The direct causes of ADHD are unknown but it is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood. It […]