What is ADHD? An Overview – Part 2

What is ADHD? An Overview – Part 2

ADHD Treatment Successfully treating ADHD takes focus and guidance on the part of the parents. A strong partnership between the health care provider, parents or caregivers, and the child is essential. For therapy to succeed, it is very important to set specific, appropriate goals to be followed by everyone involved. A combination approach that includes medication and behavior therapy has […]

Driven to Distraction: ADHD and Your Environment – Part 1

Driven to Distraction: ADHD and Your Environment – Part 1

Social Media Obsession You or your child could be living with ADHD or perhaps having some trouble focusing from time to time. In any case, today’s world is full of concentration zappers that are difficult to escape. Modern psychology can offer you a few tips to manage these distractions. When it comes to social media, for instance, it’s easy to […]